Annie Hsieh

Ruby developer & aspiring entrepreneur

© 2014 Annie Hsieh All rights reserved.
Theme: Hyde

2013: The Year I Embraced Risk and Learned From Failure

2013 was quite a year for me. At the beginning of the year, my life was finally starting to settle down after all the excitement of getting my own place and entering the world of startups. Little did I know that 2013 would bring even more changes to my life with the opportunity to take quite a few risks, some that paid off and some that didn't. Looking back, these were the major parts of the year that stood out to me.

Speaking of 2014, I have a few goals in mind already:

I have a hunch that 2014 will be an even better year than 2013 turned out to be. I can't wait to see what's in store for me in the new year!